- Microsoft apologist
- Habitual liar
- Racist
- Thinks 'LOL!!!' makes his puerile posts credible
- Repeats the same lies even when proven to be lies
- Windbag
The comp.os.linux.advocacy (COLA) newsgroup is infested by trolls whose only purpose is to disrupt the newsgroup. They will stoop to any depth in a vain attempt to discredit Linux advocates. All the trolls who post to COLA lie. No exception known.
Help make this blog a better place to find out about COLA trolls and those that feed them. If you have links and / or quotes from the trolls please provide them.
If you like this blog please add a link to it in your .sig when posting to COLA.
The opinions in this blog are mine and mine alone. Keeping it up to date is purely a labor of love. :-)
Real name: Bill Weisgerber
Other known aliases: Dennis Hastert, Ronald Reagan, The John Boy and Billy Show, Cowboy Earl, Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, and Ed.
The troll apparently has a homepage:
amicus_curious is most definitely the same person, Bill Weisgerber
You people are fucking crazy
Hi Bill!
Hello. How are you? How's the family?
amicus_curious infects the forums at these days spreading the same old fud and lies.
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